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Roses - D

Dorothy Perkins - Rambler - Bare Rooted

 £14.45  each  (inc. VAT at 20%)

Double Delight - Hybrid Tea - Potted

 £15.95  each  (inc. VAT at 20%)

Double Delight - Hybrid Tea - Bare Rooted

 £13.95  each  (inc. VAT at 20%)

Dublin Bay - Climber - Potted

 £16.45  each  (inc. VAT at 20%)

Dublin Bay - Climber - Bare Rooted

 £14.45  each  (inc. VAT at 20%)

Duchess of Cornwall - Nostalgic Rose - Potted

 £16.95  each  (inc. VAT at 20%)

Duchess of Cornwall - Nostalgic Rose - Bare Rooted

 £14.95  each  (inc. VAT at 20%)

Duchess of Cornwall - Standard - Bare Rooted

 £31.95  each  (inc. VAT at 20%)

Duchess of Devonshire - Nostalgic Rose - Potted

 £16.95  each  (inc. VAT at 20%)

Duchess of Devonshire - Nostalgic Rose - Bare Rooted

 £14.95  each  (inc. VAT at 20%)