Planting Roses
Soil Preparation
Soil preparation prior to planting your roses is very important. First, make sure the site is free of weeds. Dig over the site and dig peat into your ground, particularly in clay soils, and work the soil as deep as possible. If your soil preparation is done well in advance, you could dig in a layer of well-rotted manure. Avoid using fresh manure. Well-rotted manure or garden compost dug in before planting will help stimulate strong root growth. We do not recommend the use of mushroom compost.
When planting in the autumn, plant with Bone Meal and mulch with manure and compost around the top. Please remember not to work soil that is very wet. There should be little need for concern if the soil is frosty. The rule is "if the spade goes in so will the plant".
When planting in the summer, plant with 'Growmore' and again mulch.
Should bare rooted plants arrive at an inconvenient time, and you are unable to deal with them within one week, they should be temporarily heeled in singly. This should be in a sheltered part of the garden or, if this is not possible, they should be kept in a cool place (a shed or garage, but not indoors). Cover the roots with wet sacking, shredded paper, etc. to keep them moist.
Immediate Aftercare
The plants will have only been trimmed and will therefore need pruning. Bush, Standard, Weeping Standard and Miniature Roses should be pruned to about 10 to 15cm from the union or stem (Standards), ideally Mid-March. Climbers and Ramblers should be pruned to about 20 to 35cm. You should firm the soil after planting.
Plants should be watered in where the soil is dry. If dry conditions persist during the winter, further watering may be necessary. In a dry first spring ensure that the soil does not dry out. Standard Roses must be staked.
Ongoing Maintenance
Pruning is a simple and enjoyable job and is not as technical as some suggest.
When pruning Hybrid Tea, Floribunda, Patio Standard and Mini Roses you should remove any dead wood, remove weak growth (as this only produces poor flowers), and cut remaining growth to leave no more than 10 - 12cm from point of growth from previous season.
The same as above applies to Climbers and Ramblers, except you should try to train the rose as you prune. Create a framework which side shoots can grow up and be trained into the area of your choice. Prune hard in the first few seasons to stimulate growth and flowers as low to the ground as possible.
Trim and tidy growth for Shrub Roses, no regular pattern is needed.