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Potted Roses
Bare Root Roses
All Roses
- 90th Celebration - Hybrid Tea - Potted
- 90th Celebration - Hybrid Tea - Bare Rooted
- A Whiter Shade of Pale - Hybrid Tea - Potted
- A Whiter Shade of Pale - Hybrid Tea - Bare Rooted
- A Whiter Shade of Pale - Standard - Bare Rooted
- A Whiter Shade of Pale - Half Standard - Bare Rooted
- Absolutely Fabulous - Floribunda - Potted
- Absolutely Fabulous - Floribunda - Bare Rooted
- Absolutely Fabulous - Standard - Bare Rooted
- Admiral - Nostalgic - Potted
- Admiral - Nostalgic - Bare Rooted
- Adorable Perfume - Hybrid Tea - Potted
- Adorable Perfume - Hybrid Tea - Bare Rooted
- Alberic Barbier - Rambler - Potted
- Alberic Barbier - Rambler - Bare Rooted
- Alberic Barbier - Weeping Standard - Bare Rooted
- Albertine - Rambler - Potted
- Albertine - Rambler - Bare Rooted
- Alec's Red - Hybrid Tea - Potted
- Alec's Red - Hybrid Tea - Bare Rooted
- Alec's Red - Standard - Bare Rooted
- Alibaba - Climber - Potted
- Alibaba - Climber - Bare Rooted
- Aloha - Climber - Potted
- Aloha - Climber - Bare Rooted
- Amber Sweet Dreams - Patio & Miniature - Potted
- Amber Sweet Dreams - Patio & Miniature - Bare Rooted
- American Pillar - Rambler - Potted
- American Pillar - Rambler - Bare Rooted
- Anuschka - Nostalgic - Potted
- Anuschka - Nostalgic - Bare Rooted
- Aphrodite - Nostalgic Rose - Potted
- Aphrodite - Nostalgic Rose - Bare Rooted
- Arthur Bell - Climber - Potted
- Arthur Bell - Climber - Bare Rooted
- Arthur Bell - Floribunda - Potted
- Arthur Bell - Floribunda - Bare Rooted
- Arthur Bell - Standard - Bare Rooted
- Arthur Bell - Half Standard - Bare Rooted
- Ascot - Nostalgic Rose - Potted
- Ascot - Nostalgic Rose - Bare Rooted
- Audrey Wilcox - Hybrid Tea - Potted
- Audrey Wilcox - Hybrid Tea - Bare Rooted
- Ballerina - Shrub - Potted
- Ballerina - Shrub - Bare Rooted
- Ballerina - Standard - Bare Rooted
- Ballerina - Half Standard - Bare Rooted
- Bantry Bay - Climber - Potted
- Bantry Bay - Climber - Bare Rooted
- Barkarole - Hybrid Tea - Potted
- Barkarole - Hybrid Tea - Bare Rooted
- Baronesse - Nostalgic Rose - Potted
- Baronesse - Nostalgic Rose - Bare Rooted
- Beauty Star - Hybrid Tea - Potted
- Beauty Star - Hybrid Tea - Bare Rooted
- Beauty Star - Standard - Bare Rooted
- Belle de Crecy - Shrub - Potted
- Belle de Crecy - Shrub - Bare Rooted
- Belle de Jour - Floribunda - Potted
- Belle de Jour - Floribunda - Bare Rooted
- Berkshire - Ground Cover - Potted
- Berkshire - Ground Cover - Bare Rooted
- Birthday Boy - Hybrid Tea - Potted
- Birthday Boy - Hybrid Tea - Bare Rooted
- Birthday Girl - Floribunda - Potted
- Birthday Girl - Floribunda - Bare Rooted
- Birthday Wishes - Patio & Miniature - Potted
- Birthday Wishes - Patio & Miniature - Bare Rooted
- Birthday Wishes - Quarter Standard - Bare Rooted
- Black Magic - Hybrid Tea - Potted
- Black Magic - Hybrid Tea - Bare Rooted
- Black Perfumella - Hybrid Tea - Potted
- Black Perfumella - Hybrid Tea - Bare Rooted
- Blanc Double de Coubert - Shrub - Potted
- Blanc Double de Coubert - Shrub - Bare Rooted
- Blessings - Hybrid Tea - Potted
- Blessings - Hybrid Tea - Bare Rooted
- Blue For You - Floribunda - Potted
- Blue For You - Floribunda - Bare Rooted
- Blue For You - Standard - Bare Rooted
- Blue Moon - Hybrid Tea - Potted
- Blue Moon - Hybrid Tea - Bare Rooted
- Blush Excelsa - Rambler - Potted
- Blush Excelsa - Rambler - Bare Rooted
- Blush Noisette - Shrub - Potted
- Blush Noisette - Shrub - Bare Rooted
- Bobbie James - Rambler - Potted
- Bobbie James - Rambler - Bare Rooted
- Bonica - Shrub - Potted
- Bonica - Shrub - Bare Rooted
- Bonica - Standard - Bare Rooted
- Bonica - Half Standard - Bare Rooted
- Boule de Neige - Shrub - Potted
- Boule de Neige - Shrub - Bare Rooted
- Breath of Life - Climber - Potted
- Breath of Life - Climber - Bare Rooted
- Bride and Groom - Hybrid Tea - Potted
- Bride and Groom - Hybrid Tea - Bare Rooted
- Buff Beauty - Shrub - Potted
- Buff Beauty - Shrub - Bare Rooted
- Burgundy Ice - Floribunda - Potted
- Burgundy Ice - Floribunda - Bare Rooted
- Burning Desire - Standard - Bare Rooted
- Cambridgeshire - Ground Cover - Potted
- Cambridgeshire - Ground Cover - Bare Rooted
- Canary Bird - Shrub - Potted
- Canary Bird - Shrub - Bare Rooted
- Canary Bird - Standard - Bare Rooted
- Canary Bird - Half Standard - Bare Rooted
- Canary Bird - Weeping Standard - Bare Rooted
- Carefree Days - Patio & Miniature - Potted
- Carefree Days - Patio & Miniature - Bare Rooted
- Cecile Brunner - Climber - Potted
- Cecile Brunner - Climber - Bare Rooted
- Cecile Brunner - Shrub - Potted
- Cecile Brunner - Shrub - Bare Rooted
- Champagne Moment - Floribunda - Potted
- Champagne Moment - Floribunda - Bare Rooted
- Champagne Moment - Standard - Bare Rooted
- Chapeau de Napolean - Shrub - Potted
- Chapeau de Napolean - Shrub - Bare Rooted
- Charles de Mills - Shrub - Potted
- Charles de Mills - Shrub - Bare Rooted
- Cherry Bonica - Shrub - Potted
- Cherry Bonica - Shrub - Bare Rooted
- Cherry Bonica - Standard - Bare Rooted
- Chicago Peace - Hybrid Tea - Potted
- Chicago Peace - Hybrid Tea - Bare Rooted
- Chilterns - Ground Cover - Potted
- Chilterns - Ground Cover - Bare Rooted
- China Town - Floribunda - Potted
- China Town - Floribunda - Bare Rooted
- Claret - Hybrid Tea - Potted
- Claret - Hybrid Tea - Bare Rooted
- Cloud Nine - Hybrid Tea - Potted
- Cloud Nine - Hybrid Tea - Bare Rooted
- Coconut Ice - Floribunda - Potted
- Coconut Ice - Floribunda - Bare Rooted
- Compassion - Climber - Potted
- Compassion - Climber - Bare Rooted
- Comte de Chambord - Shrub - Potted
- Comte de Chambord - Shrub - Bare Rooted
- Congratulations - Hybrid Tea - Potted
- Congratulations - Hybrid Tea - Bare Rooted
- Conrad F Meyer - Shrub - Potted
- Conrad F Meyer - Shrub - Bare Rooted
- Conservation - Patio & Miniature - Potted
- Conservation - Patio & Miniature - Bare Rooted
- Constance Spry - Shrub - Potted
- Constance Spry - Shrub - Bare Rooted
- Coral Sweet Dreams - Patio & Miniature - Potted
- Coral Sweet Dreams - Patio & Miniature - Bare Rooted
- Coral Sweet Dreams - Quarter Standard - Bare Rooted
- Cornelia - Shrub - Potted
- Cornelia - Shrub - Bare Rooted
- Cream Sweet Dreams - Patio & Miniature - Potted
- Cream Sweet Dreams - Patio & Miniature - Bare Rooted
- Crimson Sweet Dreams - Patio & Miniature - Potted
- Crimson Sweet Dreams - Patio & Miniature - Bare Rooted
- Crimson Sweet Dreams - Quarter Standard - Bare Rooted
- Danse de Feu - Climber - Potted
- Danse de Feu - Climber - Bare Rooted
- Dawn Chorus - Hybrid Tea - Potted
- Dawn Chorus - Hybrid Tea - Bare Rooted
- Dawn Chorus - Standard - Bare Rooted
- Dearest - Floribunda - Potted
- Dearest - Floribunda - Bare Rooted
- Deep Secret - Hybrid Tea - Potted
- Deep Secret - Hybrid Tea - Bare Rooted
- Doris Tysterman - Hybrid Tea - Potted
- Doris Tysterman - Hybrid Tea - Bare Rooted
- Dorothy Perkins - Rambler - Potted
- Dorothy Perkins - Rambler - Bare Rooted
- Double Delight - Hybrid Tea - Potted
- Double Delight - Hybrid Tea - Bare Rooted
- Dublin Bay - Climber - Potted
- Dublin Bay - Climber - Bare Rooted
- Duchess of Cornwall - Nostalgic Rose - Potted
- Duchess of Cornwall - Nostalgic Rose - Bare Rooted
- Duchess of Cornwall - Standard - Bare Rooted
- Duchess of Devonshire - Nostalgic Rose - Potted
- Duchess of Devonshire - Nostalgic Rose - Bare Rooted
- Duchess of Devonshire - Standard - Bare Rooted
- Easter Sun - Ground Cover - Potted
- Easter Sun - Ground Cover - Bare Rooted
- Easter Sun - Patio & Miniature - Potted
- Easter Sun - Patio & Miniature - Bare Rooted
- Eirene - Nostalgic Rose - Potted
- Eirene - Nostalgic Rose - Bare Rooted
- Emily Gray - Rambler - Potted
- Emily Gray - Rambler - Bare Rooted
- Ena Harkness - Climber - Potted
- Ena Harkness - Climber - Bare Rooted
- Enchantress - Nostalgic Rose - Potted
- Enchantress - Nostalgic Rose - Bare Rooted
- English Miss - Floribunda - Potted
- English Miss - Floribunda - Bare Rooted
- Especially for You - Hybrid Tea - Potted
- Especially for You - Hybrid Tea - Bare Rooted
- Essex - Ground Cover - Potted
- Essex - Ground Cover - Bare Rooted
- Etoile de Holland - Climber - Potted
- Etoile de Holland - Climber - Bare Rooted
- Evelyn Fison - Floribunda - Potted
- Evelyn Fison - Floribunda - Bare Rooted
- Excelsa - Rambler - Potted
- Excelsa - Rambler - Bare Rooted
- Eye of the Tiger - Floribunda - Potted
- Eye of the Tiger - Floribunda - Bare Rooted
- Eyes for You - Floribunda - Potted
- Eyes for You - Floribunda - Bare Rooted
- Eyes for You - Half Standard - Bare Rooted
- Fantin-Latour - Shrub - Potted
- Fantin-Latour - Shrub - Bare Rooted
- Felicia - Shrub - Potted
- Felicia - Shrub - Bare Rooted
- Felicite Perpetuel - Rambler - Potted
- Felicite Perpetuel - Rambler - Bare Rooted
- Ferdinard Pichard - Shrub - Potted
- Ferdinard Pichard - Shrub - Bare Rooted
- Flower Power - Patio & Miniature - Potted
- Flower Power - Patio & Miniature - Bare Rooted
- Flower Power - Quarter Standard - Bare Rooted
- Flower Power Gold - Patio & Miniature - Potted
- Flower Power Gold - Patio & Miniature - Bare Rooted
- Flower Power Gold - Quarter Standard - Bare Rooted
- Fond Memories - Patio & Miniature - Potted
- Fond Memories - Patio & Miniature - Bare Rooted
- Fond Memories - Quarter Standard - Bare Rooted
- For Your Eyes Only - Floribunda - Potted
- For Your Eyes Only - Floribunda - Bare Rooted
- Fragrant Cloud - Hybrid Tea - Potted
- Fragrant Cloud - Hybrid Tea - Bare Rooted
- Fragrant Delight - Floribunda - Potted
- Fragrant Delight - Floribunda - Bare Rooted
- Francois Juranville - Rambler - Potted
- Francois Juranville - Rambler - Bare Rooted
- Frau Dagmar Hastrup - Shrub - Potted
- Frau Dagmar Hastrup - Shrub - Bare Rooted
- Freedom - Hybrid Tea - Potted
- Freedom - Hybrid Tea - Bare Rooted
- Freedom - Standard - Bare Rooted
- Friends - Hybrid Tea - Potted
- Friends - Hybrid Tea - Bare Rooted
- Gardeners Glory - Climber - Potted
- Gardeners Glory - Climber - Bare Rooted
- Ghislaine de Feligonde - Climber - Potted
- Ghislaine de Feligonde - Climber - Bare Rooted
- Ginger Honey - Floribunda - Potted
- Ginger Honey - Floribunda - Bare Rooted
- Ginger Honey - Standard - Bare Rooted
- Global Beauty - Nostalgic Rose - Potted
- Global Beauty - Nostalgic Rose - Bare Rooted
- Gloire de Dijon - Climber - Potted
- Gloire de Dijon - Climber - Bare Rooted
- Gloriana - Climbing Patio - Potted
- Gloriana - Climbing Patio - Bare Rooted
- Golden Showers - Climber - Potted
- Golden Showers - Climber - Bare Rooted
- Golden Wedding - Floribunda - Potted
- Golden Wedding - Floribunda - Bare Rooted
- Golden Wedding - Standard - Bare Rooted
- Golden Wedding - Half Standard - Bare Rooted
- Golden Wings - Shrub - Potted
- Golden Wings - Shrub - Bare Rooted
- Goldfinch - Rambler - Potted
- Goldfinch - Rambler - Bare Rooted
- Good As Gold - Climbing Patio - Potted
- Good As Gold - Climbing Patio - Bare Rooted
- Gruss an Aachen - Shrub - Potted
- Gruss an Aachen - Shrub - Bare Rooted
- Gwent - Ground Cover - Potted
- Gwent - Ground Cover - Bare Rooted
- Hampshire - Ground Cover - Potted
- Hampshire - Ground Cover - Bare Rooted
- Handel - Climber - Potted
- Handel - Climber - Bare Rooted
- Happy Anniversary - Floribunda - Potted
- Happy Anniversary - Floribunda - Bare Rooted
- Happy Anniversary - Standard - Bare Rooted
- Happy Anniversary - Half Standard - Bare Rooted
- Happy Birthday - Hybrid Tea - Potted
- Happy Birthday - Hybrid Tea - Bare Rooted
- Happy Retirement - Floribunda - Potted
- Happy Retirement - Floribunda - Bare Rooted
- Happy Retirement - Standard - Bare Rooted
- Happy Ruby Wedding - Hybrid Tea - Potted
- Happy Ruby Wedding - Hybrid Tea - Bare Rooted
- Happy Ruby Wedding - Standard - Bare Rooted
- Harry Edland - Floribunda - Potted
- Harry Edland - Floribunda - Bare Rooted
- Hope and Glory - Nostalgic Rose - Potted
- Hope and Glory - Nostalgic Rose - Bare Rooted
- Hot Chocolate - Floribunda - Potted
- Hot Chocolate - Floribunda - Bare Rooted
- Hot Chocolate - Standard - Bare Rooted
- Hot Chocolate - Half Standard - Bare Rooted
- Ice Cream - Hybrid Tea - Potted
- Ice Cream - Hybrid Tea - Bare Rooted
- Iceberg - Climber - Potted
- Iceberg - Climber - Bare Rooted
- Iceberg - Floribunda - Potted
- Iceberg - Floribunda - Bare Rooted
- Iceberg - Standard - Bare Rooted
- Iceberg - Half Standard - Bare Rooted
- Ingrid Bergman - Hybrid Tea - Potted
- Ingrid Bergman - Hybrid Tea - Bare Rooted
- Ingrid Bergman - Standard - Bare Rooted
- Irish Eyes - Floribunda - Potted
- Irish Eyes - Floribunda - Bare Rooted
- It's a Wonderful Life - Floribunda - Potted
- It's a Wonderful Life - Floribunda - Bare Rooted
- Jacques Cartier - Shrub - Potted
- Jacques Cartier - Shrub - Bare Rooted
- Joie de Vivre - Floribunda - Potted
- Joie de Vivre - Floribunda - Bare Rooted
- Joseph's Coat - Shrub - Potted
- Joseph's Coat - Shrub - Bare Rooted
- Just Joey - Hybrid Tea - Potted
- Just Joey - Hybrid Tea - Bare Rooted
- Keep Smiling - Hybrid Tea - Potted
- Keep Smiling - Hybrid Tea - Bare Rooted
- Kent - Ground Cover - Potted
- Kent - Ground Cover - Bare Rooted
- Kent - Quarter Standard - Bare Rooted
- Kiftsgate - Climber - Potted
- Kiftsgate - Climber - Bare Rooted
- King's Ransom - Hybrid Tea - Potted
- King's Ransom - Hybrid Tea - Bare Rooted
- Korresia - Floribunda - Potted
- Korresia - Floribunda - Bare Rooted
- La Reine Victoria - Shrub - Potted
- La Reine Victoria - Shrub - Bare Rooted
- Lady Penelope - Climbing Patio - Potted
- Lady Penelope - Climbing Patio - Bare Rooted
- Lancashire - Ground Cover - Potted
- Lancashire - Ground Cover - Bare Rooted
- Laura Ford - Climbing Patio - Potted
- Laura Ford - Climbing Patio - Bare Rooted
- Lavender Ice - Nostalgic Rose - Potted
- Lavender Ice - Nostalgic Rose - Bare Rooted
- Lavender Symphonies - Patio & Miniature - Potted
- Lavender Symphonies - Patio & Miniature - Bare Rooted
- Leaping Salmon - Climber - Potted
- Leaping Salmon - Climber - Bare Rooted
- Leverkusen - Climber - Potted
- Leverkusen - Climber - Bare Rooted
- Little Rambler - Climbing Patio - Potted
- Little Rambler - Climbing Patio - Bare Rooted
- Little White Pet - Shrub - Potted
- Little White Pet - Shrub - Bare Rooted
- Louise Odier - Shrub - Potted
- Louise Odier - Shrub - Bare Rooted
- Love Knot - Climbing Patio - Potted
- Love Knot - Climbing Patio - Bare Rooted
- Love Struck - Floribunda - Potted
- Love Struck - Floribunda - Bare Rooted
- Love Struck - Standard - Bare Rooted
- Lovely Lady - Standard - Bare Rooted
- Loving Memory - Hybrid Tea - Potted
- Loving Memory - Hybrid Tea - Bare Rooted
- Loving Memory - Standard - Bare Rooted
- Loving Memory - Half Standard - Bare Rooted
- Lucky - Floribunda - Potted
- Lucky - Floribunda - Bare Rooted
- Macmillan Nurse - Shrub - Potted
- Macmillan Nurse - Shrub - Bare Rooted
- Macmillan Nurse - Standard - Bare Rooted
- Macmillan Nurse - Half Standard - Bare Rooted
- Maid of Kent - Climber - Potted
- Maid of Kent - Climber - Bare Rooted
- Maid of Kent - Weeping Standard - Bare Rooted
- Mamma Mia - Hybrid Tea - Potted
- Mamma Mia - Hybrid Tea - Bare Rooted
- Mandarin - Patio & Miniature - Potted
- Mandarin - Patio & Miniature - Bare Rooted
- Margaret Merril - Floribunda - Potted
- Margaret Merril - Floribunda - Bare Rooted
- Margaret Merril - Standard - Bare Rooted
- Margaret Merril - Half Standard - Bare Rooted
- Marjorie Fair - Shrub - Potted
- Marjorie Fair - Shrub - Bare Rooted
- Mauritia - Nostalgic - Potted
- Mauritia - Nostalgic - Bare Rooted
- Max Graf - Shrub - Potted
- Max Graf - Shrub - Bare Rooted
- Mermaid - Climber - Potted
- Meteor - Floribunda - Potted
- Meteor - Floribunda - Bare Rooted
- Misty Morning - Patio & Miniature - Potted
- Misty Morning - Patio & Miniature - Bare Rooted
- Mme Alfred Carriere - Climber - Potted
- Mme Alfred Carriere - Climber - Bare Rooted
- Mme Gregoire Staechelin - Climber - Potted
- Mme Gregoire Staechelin - Climber - Bare Rooted
- Mme Hardy - Shrub - Potted
- Mme Hardy - Shrub - Bare Rooted
- Mme Issac Pereire - Shrub - Potted
- Mme Issac Pereire - Shrub - Bare Rooted
- Mme Pierre Oger - Shrub - Potted
- Mme Pierre Oger - Shrub - Bare Rooted
- Modern Art - Nostalgic Rose - Potted
- Modern Art - Nostalgic Rose - Bare Rooted
- Moment in Time - Floribunda - Potted
- Moment in Time - Floribunda - Bare Rooted
- Moody Blue - Hybrid Tea - Potted
- Moody Blue - Hybrid Tea - Bare Rooted
- Moonlight - Shrub - Potted
- Moonlight - Shrub - Bare Rooted
- Mountbatten - Floribunda - Potted
- Mountbatten - Floribunda - Bare Rooted
- Moyesii Geranium - Shrub - Potted
- Moyesii Geranium - Shrub - Bare Rooted
- Mum in a Million - Hybrid Tea - Potted
- Mum in a Million - Hybrid Tea - Bare Rooted
- Mum in a Million - Standard - Bare Rooted
- Mum in a Million - Half Standard - Bare Rooted
- My Dad - Floribunda - Potted
- My Dad - Floribunda - Bare Rooted
- My Dad - Half Standard - Bare Rooted
- My Girl - Nostalgic Rose - Potted
- My Girl - Nostalgic Rose - Bare Rooted
- My Lovely Dad - Standard - Bare Rooted
- My Lovely Dad - Half Standard - Bare Rooted
- My Lovely Mum - Standard - Bare Rooted
- My Lovely Mum - Half Standard - Bare Rooted
- My Mum - Floribunda - Potted
- My Mum - Floribunda - Bare Rooted
- My Mum - Half Standard - Bare Rooted
- Naranga - Climber - Potted
- Naranga - Climber - Bare Rooted
- National Trust - Hybrid Tea - Potted
- National Trust - Hybrid Tea - Bare Rooted
- National Trust - Standard - Bare Rooted
- Nevada - Shrub - Potted
- Nevada - Shrub - Bare Rooted
- New Dawn - Climber - Potted
- New Dawn - Climber - Bare Rooted
- New Dawn - Weeping Standard - Bare Rooted
- Niceday - Climbing Patio - Potted
- Niceday - Climbing Patio - Bare Rooted
- Noblesse - Hybrid Tea - Potted
- Noblesse - Hybrid Tea - Bare Rooted
- Norfolk- Ground Cover - Potted
- Norfolk- Ground Cover - Bare Rooted
- Nostalgia - Nostalgic Rose - Potted
- Nostalgia - Nostalgic Rose - Bare Rooted
- Nostalgia - Standard - Bare Rooted
- Nostalgia - Half Standard - Bare Rooted
- Nozomi - Ground Cover - Potted
- Nozomi - Ground Cover - Bare Rooted
- Open Arms - Climbing Patio - Potted
- Open Arms - Climbing Patio - Bare Rooted
- Orange Sunblaze - Patio & Miniature - Potted
- Orange Sunblaze - Patio & Miniature - Bare Rooted
- Oranges and Lemons - Floribunda - Potted
- Oranges and Lemons - Floribunda - Bare Rooted
- Oxfordshire - Ground Cover - Potted
- Oxfordshire - Ground Cover - Bare Rooted
- Parkdirektor Riggers - Climber - Potted
- Parkdirektor Riggers - Climber - Bare Rooted
- Pascali - Hybrid Tea - Potted
- Pascali - Hybrid Tea - Bare Rooted
- Patricia - Floribunda - Potted
- Paul's Himalayan Musk - Rambler - Potted
- Paul's Himalayan Musk - Rambler - Bare Rooted
- Paul's Scarlet - Climber - Potted
- Paul's Scarlet - Climber - Bare Rooted
- Peace - Hybrid Tea - Potted
- Peace - Hybrid Tea - Bare Rooted
- Peace - Standard - Bare Rooted
- Peach Melba - Climber - Potted
- Peach Melba - Climber - Bare Rooted
- Penelope - Shrub - Potted
- Penelope - Shrub - Bare Rooted
- Perennial Blue - Rambler - Potted
- Perennial Blue - Rambler - Bare Rooted
- Perfect Harmony - Nostalgic Rose - Potted
- Perfect Harmony - Nostalgic Rose - Bare Rooted
- Peter's Persica - Climbing Patio - Potted
- Peter's Persica - Climbing Patio - Bare Rooted
- Phab Gold - Floribunda - Potted
- Phab Gold - Floribunda - Bare Rooted
- Phyllis Bide - Climber - Potted
- Phyllis Bide - Climber - Bare Rooted
- Piccadilly - Hybrid Tea - Potted
- Piccadilly - Hybrid Tea - Bare Rooted
- Pigalle - Floribunda - Potted
- Pigalle - Floribunda - Bare Rooted
- Pink Martini - Nostalgic Rose - Potted
- Pink Martini - Nostalgic Rose - Bare Rooted
- Pink Martini - Standard - Bare Rooted
- Pink Perpetue - Climber - Potted
- Pink Perpetue - Climber - Bare Rooted
- Polar Star - Hybrid Tea - Potted
- Polar Star - Hybrid Tea - Bare Rooted
- Polar Star - Standard - Bare Rooted
- Pretty Polly - Patio & Miniature - Potted
- Pretty Polly - Patio & Miniature - Bare Rooted
- Pure Poetry - Nostalgic Rose - Potted
- Pure Poetry - Nostalgic Rose - Bare Rooted
- Purple Tiger - Floribunda - Potted
- Purple Tiger - Floribunda - Bare Rooted
- Queen Bee - Floribunda - Potted
- Queen Bee - Floribunda - Bare Rooted
- Queen Bee - Standard - Bare Rooted
- Queen Elizabeth - Floribunda - Potted
- Queen Elizabeth - Floribunda - Bare Rooted
- Queen of Denmark - Shrub - Potted
- Queen of Denmark - Shrub - Bare Rooted
- Rachel - Nostalgic Rose - Potted
- Rachel - Nostalgic Rose - Bare Rooted
- Rachel - Standard - Bare Rooted
- Rambling Rector - Rambler - Potted
- Rambling Rector - Rambler - Bare Rooted
- Rambling Rosie - Rambler - Potted
- Rambling Rosie - Rambler - Bare Rooted
- Raspberry Queen - Floribunda - Potted
- Raspberry Queen - Floribunda - Bare Rooted
- Raspberry Queen - Standard - Bare Rooted
- Red New Dawn - Climber - Potted
- Red New Dawn - Climber - Bare Rooted
- Red Rascal - Patio & Miniature - Potted
- Red Rascal - Patio & Miniature - Bare Rooted
- Reine des Violettes - Shrub - Potted
- Reine des Violettes - Shrub - Bare Rooted
- Remember Me - Hybrid Tea - Potted
- Remember Me - Hybrid Tea - Bare Rooted
- Remember Me - Standard - Bare Rooted
- Remember Me - Half Standard - Bare Rooted
- Rhapsody in Blue - Floribunda - Potted
- Rhapsody in Blue - Floribunda - Bare Rooted
- Rhapsody in Blue - Standard - Bare Rooted
- Romantica - Hybrid Tea - Potted
- Romantica - Hybrid Tea - Bare Rooted
- Rosa Canina - Shrub - Potted
- Rosa Canina - Shrub - Bare Rooted
- Rosa Mundi - Shrub - Potted
- Rosa Mundi - Shrub - Bare Rooted
- Rosa Rubiginosa - Shrub - Potted
- Rosa Rubiginosa - Shrub - Bare Rooted
- Rosa Rubrifolia - Shrub - Potted
- Rosa Rubrifolia - Shrub - Bare Rooted
- Rosa Rugosa - Shrub - Potted
- Rosa Rugosa - Shrub - Bare Rooted
- Rosa Rugosa Alba - Shrub - Potted
- Rosa Rugosa Alba - Shrub - Bare Rooted
- Rosa Rugosa Rubra - Shrub - Potted
- Rosa Rugosa Rubra - Shrub - Bare Rooted
- Rosa Spinosissima - Shrub - Potted
- Rosa Spinosissima - Shrub - Bare Rooted
- Roseraie de L'Hay - Shrub - Potted
- Roseraie de L'Hay - Shrub - Bare Rooted
- Royal William - Hybrid Tea - Potted
- Royal William - Hybrid Tea - Bare Rooted
- Royal William - Standard - Bare Rooted
- Ruby Anniversary - Patio & Miniature - Potted
- Ruby Anniversary - Patio & Miniature - Bare Rooted
- Ruby Anniversary - Standard - Bare Rooted
- Ruby Anniversary - Half Standard - Bare Rooted
- Ruby Wedding - Hybrid Tea - Potted
- Ruby Wedding - Hybrid Tea - Bare Rooted
- Ruby Wedding - Standard - Bare Rooted
- Sanders White - Rambler - Potted
- Sanders White - Rambler - Bare Rooted
- Saphir - Nostalgic Rose - Potted
- Saphir - Nostalgic Rose - Bare Rooted
- Sarah Van Fleet - Shrub - Potted
- Sarah Van Fleet - Shrub - Bare Rooted
- Saunders White - Weeping Standard - Bare Rooted
- Scent from Heaven - Climber - Potted
- Scent from Heaven - Climber - Bare Rooted
- Scentimental - Floribunda - Potted
- Scentimental - Floribunda - Bare Rooted
- Scentsation - Hybrid Tea - Potted
- Scentsation - Hybrid Tea - Bare Rooted
- Sexy Rexy - Floribunda - Potted
- Sexy Rexy - Floribunda - Bare Rooted
- Sheila's Perfume - Floribunda - Potted
- Sheila's Perfume - Floribunda - Bare Rooted
- Sheila's Perfume - Standard - Bare Rooted
- Silver Anniversary - Hybrid Tea - Potted
- Silver Anniversary - Hybrid Tea - Bare Rooted
- Silver Anniversary - Standard - Bare Rooted
- Silver Anniversary - Half Standard - Bare Rooted
- Silver Jubilee - Hybrid Tea - Potted
- Silver Jubilee - Hybrid Tea - Bare Rooted
- Silver Jubilee - Standard - Bare Rooted
- Simply The Best - Hybrid Tea - Potted
- Simply The Best - Hybrid Tea - Bare Rooted
- Simply The Best - Standard - Bare Rooted
- Skyline - Climbing Patio - Potted
- Skyline - Climbing Patio - Bare Rooted
- Southampton - Floribunda - Potted
- Southampton - Floribunda - Bare Rooted
- Souvenir du Docteur Jemain - Shrub - Potted
- Souvenir du Docteur Jemain - Shrub - Bare Rooted
- Sparkle - Hybrid Tea - Potted
- Sparkle - Hybrid Tea - Bare Rooted
- Special Anniversary - Hybrid Tea - Potted
- Special Anniversary - Hybrid Tea - Bare Rooted
- Special Anniversary - Standard - Bare Rooted
- Special Anniversary - Half Standard - Potted
- Special Child - Floribunda - Potted
- Special Child - Floribunda - Bare Rooted
- Special Friend - Patio & Miniature - Potted
- Special Friend - Patio & Miniature - Bare Rooted
- Special Friend - Quarter Standard - Bare Rooted
- Special Occasion - Hybrid Tea - Potted
- Special Occasion - Hybrid Tea - Bare Rooted
- Suffolk - Ground Cover - Potted
- Suffolk - Ground Cover - Bare Rooted
- Summertime - Climbing Patio - Potted
- Summertime - Climbing Patio - Bare Rooted
- Sunblest - Hybrid Tea - Potted
- Sunblest - Hybrid Tea - Bare Rooted
- Sunblest - Standard - Bare Rooted
- Sunny Sky - Hybrid Tea - Potted
- Sunny Sky - Hybrid Tea - Bare Rooted
- Super Elfin - Rambler - Potted
- Super Elfin - Rambler - Bare Rooted
- Super Excelsa - Rambler - Potted
- Super Excelsa - Rambler - Bare Rooted
- Super Excelsa - Weeping Standard - Bare Rooted
- Super Fairy - Rambler - Potted
- Super Fairy - Rambler - Bare Rooted
- Super Fairy - Weeping Standard - Bare Rooted
- Super Sparkle - Rambler - Potted
- Super Sparkle - Rambler - Bare Rooted
- Super Trouper - Floribunda - Potted
- Super Trouper - Floribunda - Bare Rooted
- Super Trouper - Standard - Bare Rooted
- Surrey - Ground Cover - Potted
- Surrey - Ground Cover - Bare Rooted
- Sussex - Ground Cover - Potted
- Sussex - Ground Cover - Bare Rooted
- Swan Lake - Climber - Potted
- Swan Lake - Climber - Bare Rooted
- Sweet Child of Mine - Nostalgic Rose - Potted
- Sweet Child of Mine - Nostalgic Rose - Bare Rooted
- Sweet Dreams - Patio & Miniature - Potted
- Sweet Dreams - Patio & Miniature - Bare Rooted
- Sweet Dreams - Quarter Standard - Bare Rooted
- Sweet Honey - Floribunda - Potted
- Sweet Honey - Floribunda - Bare Rooted
- Sweet Magic - Patio & Miniature - Potted
- Sweet Magic - Patio & Miniature - Bare Rooted
- Sweet Memories - Patio & Miniature - Potted
- Sweet Memories - Patio & Miniature - Bare Rooted
- Sweet Memories - Quarter Standard - Bare Rooted
- Sweet Remembrance - Hybrid Tea - Potted
- Sweet Remembrance - Hybrid Tea - Bare Rooted
- Tawny Tiger - Floribunda - Potted
- Tawny Tiger - Floribunda - Bare Rooted
- Tear Drop - Patio & Miniature - Potted
- Tear Drop - Patio & Miniature - Bare Rooted
- Tequila Sunrise - Hybrid Tea - Potted
- Tequila Sunrise - Hybrid Tea - Bare Rooted
- Thank You - Patio & Miniature - Potted
- Thank You - Patio & Miniature - Bare Rooted
- Thank You - Quarter Standard - Bare Rooted
- That's Jazz - Climber - Potted
- That's Jazz - Climber - Bare Rooted
- The Fairy - Shrub - Potted
- The Fairy - Shrub - Bare Rooted
- The Fairy - Standard - Bare Rooted
- The Fairy - Half Standard - Bare Rooted
- The Fairy - Quarter Standard - Bare Rooted
- The Times Rose - Floribunda - Potted
- The Times Rose - Floribunda - Bare Rooted
- Thinking of You - Hybrid Tea - Potted
- Thinking of You - Hybrid Tea - Bare Rooted
- Thinking of You - Standard - Bare Rooted
- Thinking of You - Half Standard - Bare Rooted
- Tickled Pink - Floribunda - Potted
- Tickled Pink - Floribunda - Bare Rooted
- Top Marks - Patio & Miniature - Potted
- Top Marks - Patio & Miniature - Bare Rooted
- Trumpeter - Floribunda - Potted
- Trumpeter - Floribunda - Bare Rooted
- Trumpeter - Standard - Bare Rooted
- Trumpeter - Half Standard - Bare Rooted
- Tuscany Superb - Shrub - Potted
- Tuscany Superb - Shrub - Bare Rooted
- Twice in a Blue Moon - Hybrid Tea - Potted
- Twice in a Blue Moon - Hybrid Tea - Bare Rooted
- Veilchenblau - Rambler - Potted
- Veilchenblau - Rambler - Bare Rooted
- Velvet Fragrance - Hybrid Tea - Potted
- Velvet Fragrance - Hybrid Tea - Bare Rooted
- Warm Welcome - Climbing Patio - Potted
- Warm Welcome - Climbing Patio - Bare Rooted
- Warm Wishes - Hybrid Tea - Potted
- Warm Wishes - Hybrid Tea - Bare Rooted
- Warm Wishes - Standard - Bare Rooted
- Wedding Day - Rambler - Potted
- Wedding Day - Rambler - Bare Rooted
- Wendy Cussons - Hybrid Tea - Potted
- Wendy Cussons - Hybrid Tea - Bare Rooted
- Whisky Mac - Hybrid Tea - Potted
- Whisky Mac - Hybrid Tea - Bare Rooted
- Wild Fire - Patio & Miniature - Potted
- Wild Fire - Patio & Miniature - Bare Rooted
- Wild Fire - Quarter Standard - Bare Rooted
- Wild Rover - Floribunda - Potted
- Wild Rover - Floribunda - Bare Rooted
- Wildberry - Hybrid Tea - Potted
- Wildberry - Hybrid Tea - Bare Rooted
- William Lobb - Shrub - Potted
- William Lobb - Shrub - Bare Rooted
- Wiltshire - Ground Cover - Potted
- Wiltshire - Ground Cover - Bare Rooted
- Worcestershire - Ground Cover - Potted
- Worcestershire - Ground Cover - Bare Rooted
- Yellow Patio - Patio & Miniature - Potted
- Yellow Patio - Patio & Miniature - Bare Rooted
- Yellow Patio - Quarter Standard - Bare Rooted
- You're Beautiful - Floribunda - Potted
- You're Beautiful - Floribunda - Bare Rooted
- You're Beautiful - Standard - Bare Rooted
- You're Beautiful - Half Standard - Bare Rooted
- You're My Everything - Hybrid Tea - Potted
- You're My Everything - Hybrid Tea - Bare Rooted
- You Are My Sunshine - Hybrid Tea - Potted
- You Are My Sunshine - Hybrid Tea - Bare Rooted
- Zephirine Drouhin - Climber - Potted
- Zephirine Drouhin - Climber - Bare Rooted
Rose Catalogue
Climbing Roses
Climbing Patio Roses
Floribunda Roses
Ground Cover Roses
Hybrid Tea Roses
Nostalgic Roses
Patio & Miniature Roses
Rambling Roses
Shrub Roses
Standard Roses
Half Standard Roses
Quarter Standard Roses
Weeping Standard Roses
Roses A to Z
Roses - A
Roses - B
Roses - C
Roses - D
Roses - E
Roses - F
Roses - G
Roses - H
Roses - I
Roses - J
Roses - K
Roses - L
Roses - M
Roses - N
Roses - O
Roses - P
Roses - Q
Roses - R
Roses - S
Roses - T
Roses - V
Roses - W
Roses - Y
Roses - Z
Delivery of Roses
Special Occasion Roses
Anniversary Roses
Bereavement Roses
Birthday Roses
Congratulations Roses
Engagement Roses
Father's Day Roses
Friendship Roses
Grandparent's Day Roses
Merry Christmas Roses
Mother's Day Roses
New Baby Roses
New Home Roses
Pet Memorial Roses
Retirement Roses
Romantic Roses
Sorry You're Leaving Roses
Special Occasions Roses
Thank You Roses
Wedding Roses
All Special Roses
Rose Collections
- Classic Hybrid Tea Collection - Bare Rooted
- Classic Floribunda Collection - Bare Rooted
- Scented Collection - Bare Rooted
- Ground Cover Collection - Bare Rooted
- Cottage Garden Collection - Bare Rooted
- Patio Rose Collection - Bare Rooted
- Climbing Collection - Bare Rooted
- Rambling Collection - Bare Rooted
- Patio Climber Collection - Bare Rooted
- Rose Arch Duet - Bare Rooted
Roses for Difficult Areas
Rose Climbers for North Facing Walls
Shade Tolerant Rose Varieties
Roses Suitable for Hedging
Roses as Dense Thorny Barriers
Roses of the Year
Planting Roses
Peony Catalogue
- Peony Alertie
- Peony Alexander Fleming
- Peony Angel Cheeks
- Peony Big Ben
- Peony Bowl of Beauty
- Peony Buckeye Belle
- Peony Catherina Fontijn
- Peony Coral Charm
- Peony Coral Sunset
- Peony Duchesse de Nemours
- Peony Felix Crousse
- Peony Festiva Maxima
- Peony Gardenia
- Peony Immaculee
- Peony Kansas
- Peony Karl Rosenfield
- Peony Madame Calot
- Peony Many Happy Returns
- Peony Monsieur Jules Elie
- Peony Mother's Choice
- Peony Paula Fay
- Peony Pecher
- Peony Pink Cameo
- Peony Pink Hawaiian Coral
- Peony Raspberry Sundae
- Peony Red Charm
- Peony Red Grace
- Peony Sarah Bernhardt
- Peony Scarlett O'Hara
- Peony Shirley Temple
- Peony Snow Cloud
- Peony Sorbet
- Peony The Fawn
- Peony Top Brass
Delivery of Peonies
Benefits of Peonies
Planting Peonies
Hedging Catalogue
- Alder (Alnus Cordata / Glutinosa)
- Beech (Fagus Sylvatica)
- Blackthorn (Prunus Spinosa)
- Box (Buxus Sempervirens)
- Cotoneaster Franchettii
- Cotoneaster Simonsii
- Country Mixed Hedging
- Dogwood (Cornus Sanguinea)
- Elder (Sambucus Nigra)
- Field Maple (Acer Campestre)
- Green Privet (Ligustrum Ovalifolium)
- Guelder Rose (Viburnum Opulus)
- Hawthorn (Crataeagus Monogyna)
- Hazel Nut Plant (Corylus Avellana)
- Hornbeam (Carpinus Betulus)
- Laurel (Prunus Laurocerasus 'Rotundifolia')
- Purple Beech (Fagus Sylvatica Purpurea)
- Spindle Bush (Euonymus Europeus)
- Wayfaring Tree (Viburnum Lantana)
- Wild Privet (Ligustrum Vulgare)
Benefits of Hedging
Planting Hedging
Rose Gift Sets
- 90th Celebration Potted Rose - Gift Set
- Birthday Boy Potted Rose - Gift Set
- Birthday Girl Potted Rose - Gift Set
- Blessings Potted Rose - Gift Set
- Bride & Groom Potted Rose - Gift Set
- Champagne Moment Potted Rose - Gift Set
- Compassion Potted Rose - Gift Set
- Congratulations Potted Rose - Gift Set
- Dearest Potted Rose - Gift Set
- Especially For You Potted Rose - Gift Set
- Fond Memories Potted Rose - Gift Set
- For Your Eyes Only Potted Rose - Gift Set
- Golden Wedding Potted Rose - Gift Set
- Happy Anniversary Potted Rose - Gift Set
- Happy Retirement Potted Rose - Gift Set
- Happy Ruby Wedding Potted Rose - Gift Set
- Keep Smiling Potted Rose - Gift Set
- Love Knot Potted Rose - Gift Set
- Love Struck Potted Rose - Gift Set
- Loving Memory Potted Rose - Gift Set
- Lucky Potted Rose - Gift Set
- Moment in Time Potted Rose - Gift Set
- Mum in a Million Potted Rose - Gift Set
- My Dad Potted Rose - Gift Set
- My Girl Potted Rose - Gift Set
- My Mum Potted Rose - Gift Set
- Patricia Potted Rose - Gift Set
- Peace Potted Rose - Gift Set
- Perfect Harmony Potted Rose - Gift Set
- Remember Me Potted Rose - Gift Set
- Ruby Anniversary Potted Rose - Gift Set
- Ruby Wedding Potted Rose - Gift Set
- Scent from Heaven Potted Rose - Gift Set
- Scentimental Potted Rose - Gift Set
- Silver Anniversary Potted Rose - Gift Set
- Silver Jubilee Potted Rose - Gift Set
- Simply The Best Potted Rose - Gift Set
- Special Anniversary Potted Rose - Gift Set
- Special Child Potted Rose - Gift Set
- Special Friend Potted Rose - Gift Set
- Special Occasion Potted Rose - Gift Set
- Sweet Child of Mine Potted Rose - Gift Set
- Sweet Dreams Potted Rose - Gift Set
- Sweet Memories Potted Rose - Gift Set
- Sweet Remembrance Potted Rose - Gift Set
- Thank You Potted Rose - Gift Set
- Thinking of You Potted Rose - Gift Set
- Top Marks Potted Rose - Gift Set
- Warm Welcome Potted Rose - Gift Set
- Warm Wishes Potted Rose - Gift Set
- Wedding Day Potted Rose - Gift Set
- You're Beautiful Potted Rose - Gift Set
Gift Cards
- Gift Card
Shop Products
Garden Tools
Plant Care
- RHS Root Grow 150g
- Sulphur Rose 250g
- Uncle Tom's Rose Tonic 500ml
- Vitax Rose Food Pouch 900g